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Double Down: On a Safe and Happy Holiday!


For almost half of the Australian population, the holiday period is about Christmas. To those Australians, we wish you a very merry Christmas. We hope your tree sparkles, your Christmas ham is the perfect blend of sweet and salty, and that Santa Claus is generous to the naughty and nice.

To those in our community who are Jewish, we wish you a chag Hanukkah sameach. We hope your menorah candles burn bright and the gelt flows in. 

Most of all, for all of you, we hope you all find time to spend with your family - inherited or chosen. That you find time to do something you love and take some time for yourself. That it is a peaceful period and that you are safe.

The end of the year is also always a time of reflection. As we sat down to write our final “Double Down” blog for 2024, we were reflecting on why we wanted to wish you all a happy holidays this year.

We are wishing you a happy holidays because Australia is made up of many religions and cultures. Our multicultural society is the lifeforce of our country. 

It’s why you can get better Vietnamese food than in Vietnam on Bridge Road, Richmond, followed by a better Italian coffee than on the streets of Rome in Lygon Street, Carlton. 

It’s the richness of diversity of thought that helps our businesses thrive, leads to innovations like the cochlear implants, Canva, skin repair for burn victims, Google Maps, cervical cancer vaccine. We could go on. 

Diversity of thought leads to diversity of ideas, leads to better lives for everyone. The richer our cultural make up, the richer we are as a country.

We cannot let anyone threaten that. Ever.

That’s why we say happy holidays. Not just happy Christmas. Because the holidays are about all Australians. 

And the Better Together Party is about all Australians. We fundamentally stand for a government for all Australians.

So from all of us at the Better Together Party, we wish you a safe and happy holidays and an exciting and productive 2025.

With love and hope, 

Lucy and Bronwen

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